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Bridgit Williams 

MProfStud(Ed); BA (Ed); DipTchgECE; PGDip Montessori

Bridgit has been a professional learning facilitator and mentor since 2008, previously  with EC Professional Support at the University of Auckland. She led the team of facilitators there from 2012 until the team was disestablished in early 2015.

Bridgit has supported a diverse range of centres and organisations to improve and enhance teacher capability with a view to improving learning outcomes for children. She has a particular passion for supporting teams through meaningful internal evaluation to improve practice. Bridgit also appraises fully certificated teachers and centre managers. She is a skilled facilitator and a qualified, fully certificated early childhood teacher with a diverse range of experience in the early childhood sector. She has taught in private and community based centres, and has been an early intervention teacher and hospital play specialist. She believes effective leadership and ongoing professional learning are key to improving quality in early childhood education.

Bridgit completed her Masters degree in early 2015, looking specifically at the induction and mentoring of ECE teachers. Her professional interests include effective leadership and communication, inclusive teaching practice, intentional teaching and implementing authentic curriculum.